
Quieting your mind chatter is the first step to creating an amazing life. As your guide, I will provide quick-and-easy Wellness Tools that you can pull out of your toolbox whenever you’re having one of those moments.


You have a worried mind that is never at rest.


You live each day in peace and joy.


You look good on the outside but feel chaotic on the inside.


Your Inside Guide leads you through each day and attracts lovely people and experiences into your life.

A Fresh Start

Step into Abundance If your life feels stale, a single step forward can breathe new energy into your day. It doesn’t matter where you are or who you’re with. Nothing has the power to hold you down. The only thing that matters is starting. In today’s episode, you learn how to brave your first baby step into the unknown. Tomorrow,…

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Perfectly Human

Is it okay to be human? I often use the term human, which reminds me to be gentle with myself and others. Instead of calling those in power governor, supervisor, or father, which can lock me into a set of expectations (and the subsequent emotions, which accompany unmet expectations), I see them as humans, doing their fallible best in each…

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Your Fan Club

Your fans are cheering! Would your life be easier if every time you did something really cool, you had a choir show up on the spot to sing your praises? On the rare occasion when you really made a mess of it, they were there to hug you up? In today’s episode, I will share where to find that amazing…

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Wellness with Lucky