Voice Your Desires

Voice Your Desires

Do what you love! Go adventuring! Kick back and enjoy those chill activities that you have been craving.


When I tell you to do what you love, does your vision fill with an array of experiences that light you up? Or is your screen blank because you don’t know what relaxation looks like?


If you don’t know what pleases you, then today’s episode will help you figure out what spices your latte.


Using an easy Wellness Tool, you will create and give voice to a list of your desires. Instead of rushing ahead with your to-do list of desires, you will take some time to appreciate the courage you displayed in writing down and saying out loud what you want.


Good job, you!


The next step on your road of happiness will be to schedule time to explore your soul-satisfying options.


This podcast episode is 21 minutes. Thanks for listening!


I Release, I Receive Poster

How to Practice Affirmations Poster

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Sat-Sun, December 3-4 is my next online retreat. Wahoo!!!

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