Author page: luckyadmin

Getting Unstuck

How to start flowing again? When you get stuck inside a problem, how do you get out? In this life-changing conversation, I talk with George who is at a standstill on his creative path.  In part one, George, a business owner, husband, and dad in Cincinnati, Ohio, shares about his frustrations in finishing writing a book. To make writing fun…

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A Fresh Start

Step into Abundance If your life feels stale, a single step forward can breathe new energy into your day. It doesn’t matter where you are or who you’re with. Nothing has the power to hold you down. The only thing that matters is starting. In today’s episode, you learn how to brave your first baby step into the unknown. Tomorrow,…

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Perfection is the Killer of Dreams

Perfection is the Killer of Dreams Do you know the best way to invite more laughter into your life? Try doing something that you’re not good at. You’ll make mistakes. You’ll get better at laughing! The chase for perfection is the enemy, the killer of dreams big and small. In today’s episode, you’ll learn how to move forward imperfectly and…

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Can God quiet your mind chatter?

Does God take questions? In today’s episode, you can get curious about God. The more questions you ask, the more answers will be revealed and the more at peace you will feel. Building a relationship with God has been a major factor in quieting my mind chatter. It was not easy at first because I distrusted authority figures, but I…

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Perfectly Human

Is it okay to be human? I often use the term human, which reminds me to be gentle with myself and others. Instead of calling those in power governor, supervisor, or father, which can lock me into a set of expectations (and the subsequent emotions, which accompany unmet expectations), I see them as humans, doing their fallible best in each…

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Void Your Ticket to Mind Chatter’s Show

Pull a no-show! If there is a concert scheduled, but nobody shows up to listen to it, the musicians will not play. It’s the same with mind chatter. Take away its audience, and it’s got nothing to say. In today’s episode, you will learn how to void your ticket to mind chatter’s show. This episode is 12 minutes. Thanks for…

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