Can God quiet your mind chatter?

Does God take questions?

In today’s episode, you can get curious about God. The more questions you ask, the more answers will be revealed and the more at peace you will feel.

Building a relationship with God has been a major factor in quieting my mind chatter. It was not easy at first because I distrusted authority figures, but I kept working at it, and I kept staying open.

Now God’s loving presence is the foundation of my well-being.

If my concept of God isn’t your groove, try out ideas until you find one that is.

  • Mother Nature
  • Spirit in the Sky
  • Jesus
  • Buddha
  • Divine Intelligence
  • Gut instinct
  • Heavenly Mother

It’s 100% your choice.

Building a bridge to your Higher Power, even if it’s held together with binder clips, will reveal your truest, calmest self.

This podcast episode is 12 minutes. Thanks for listening ????

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Here’s my YouTube playlist on Divine Guidance.

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Saturday and Sunday, August 20-21 is my next online retreat. Yes yes yes!!!

I love you.

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