Tag: book

Have Fun, Experience Wholeness

Have Fun, Experience Wholeness In today’s episode, I dare you to be your silliest self. I’m not talking about turning yourself into a clown but letting your guard down for a few minutes every week.   Choosing to incorporate non-serious, non-productive activities (aka FUN!) into your schedule can signal for those muscles in the back of your neck to finally…

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Free Yourself from Procrastination

Free Yourself from Procrastination Do you have a heavy weight on you from all of the things you’ve been procrastinating? You tell yourself, I don’t have enough time to do that right now. I’ll get around to it later. Maybe you do actually get around to doing it later, but between here and there are miles of carrying the heavy…

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Playful Spirit Quiet Mind

Playful Spirit Quiet Mind Is your gut telling you that it is time to relax? When you tune out your inner guidance system, you’ll probably tune into mind chatter instead. In today’s episode, you will learn a fun way to calm your mind.    Playful humans who prioritize fun are often happy individuals who don’t struggle much with mind chatter.…

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Perfection is the Killer of Dreams

Perfection is the Killer of Dreams Do you know the best way to invite more laughter into your life? Try doing something that you’re not good at. You’ll make mistakes. You’ll get better at laughing! The chase for perfection is the enemy, the killer of dreams big and small. In today’s episode, you’ll learn how to move forward imperfectly and…

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Have Fun, Experience Wholeness

Have Fun, Experience Wholeness In today’s episode, I dare you to be your silliest self. I’m not talking about turning yourself into a clown but letting your guard down for a few minutes every week.   Choosing to incorporate non-serious, non-productive activities (aka FUN!) into your schedule can signal for those muscles in the back of your neck to finally…

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Free Yourself from Procrastination

Free Yourself from Procrastination Do you have a heavy weight on you from all of the things you’ve been procrastinating? You tell yourself, I don’t have enough time to do that right now. I’ll get around to it later. Maybe you do actually get around to doing it later, but between here and there are miles of carrying the heavy…

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