Dissolving Procrastination In this two-part conversation, Joy gets honest about the procrastination that has prevented her from succeeding in running her own business. I offer an easy-to-follow suggestion: get in the habit of writing down the next baby step, put a deadline on it, then celebrate each small accomplishment along the path to greatness. For example, by tomorrow 2pm,…
Procrastination Monster Are you in the grips of the procrastination monster? You put things off till the last minute, which stresses you out? You hate doing this, but you can’t seem to stop? Today I offer two Wellness Tools that have the power to release you from the death grip of procrastination. Being continually burdened by a backlog…
Free Yourself from Procrastination Do you have a heavy weight on you from all of the things you’ve been procrastinating? You tell yourself, I don’t have enough time to do that right now. I’ll get around to it later. Maybe you do actually get around to doing it later, but between here and there are miles of carrying the heavy…
Prioritizing Peace Today I was privileged to talk with Tim Engberg who lives here on Maui. In our conversation, Tim offers two Wellness Tools to quiet your mind chatter: how to prioritize peace and how to work with the idea of acceptance. Though as humans we can’t eliminate pain and distress, Tim shares how to manage your thinking and invite…
Voice Your Desires Do what you love! Go adventuring! Kick back and enjoy those chill activities that you have been craving. When I tell you to do what you love, does your vision fill with an array of experiences that light you up? Or is your screen blank because you don’t know what relaxation looks like? If you…
A new fun activity can quiet your mind Is mind chatter running you ragged? Take back the controls by doing something fun. Mind chatter will never tell you Good job! Time for a break! You’ve done enough! It’s up to you to schedule down-time. Being the stellar “Quiet Your Mind Chatter” student that you are, you pull up your…