Author page: luckyadmin

Mind Chatter Romance

Mind Chatter Romance Jeff’s mind chatter has been rampant since he and his lady friend had a moment of negative reactivity a couple of weeks ago. As a retiree with health issues, does Jeff even want a romantic partner? Listen in to this two-part coaching session as I help Jeff figure out what he needs in his life and within…

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Have Fun, Experience Wholeness

Have Fun, Experience Wholeness In today’s episode, I dare you to be your silliest self. I’m not talking about turning yourself into a clown but letting your guard down for a few minutes every week.   Choosing to incorporate non-serious, non-productive activities (aka FUN!) into your schedule can signal for those muscles in the back of your neck to finally…

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Work or Play?

  Work or Play? Mind chatter will tell you that you don’t have time for fun, that you need to keep running the marathon that never ends. In today’s episode, you will get curious about your need for relaxation. You will learn how to offer a firm yes to fun!   But what if you’re unsure if an activity falls into…

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Open Your Spirit to Sunshine

Open Your Spirit to Sunshine   If you are stuck inside your head playing old, negative thoughts that have been harming you for many years, it’s time to turn off the IV drip of poison.    The poison that’s been killing you is not Romeo and Juliet style where you gulp it down and die right then and there. It’s…

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Got Clarity?

Got Clarity? Non-work time is not the same as engaging in activities that bring you joy. Sometimes joy just happens. The other 99% of the time, the process of inviting in joy takes time and effort. You are worth the effort!    But what if you don’t know how to move forward? You want to add healthy pleasures to your…

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Healthy Pleasure

Healthy Pleasure Sometimes simple pleasures are simple. Sometimes they’re not.   Maybe you have been putting in tons of hours working and are spiraling towards burnout unless you find some balance. You do some Googling and find a cool new thing. You’re about to dive in, but then you wonder if taking on a new hobby right now is self-care…

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